Year 12's Smash Activity Day Goal
At Serpentine Jarrahdale Grammar School the last for Year 12's is referred to as their 'Activity Day' (A.K.A Muck Up Day). This day comprises of a multitude of activities and challenges designed to reflect the students' journey at School, prepare them for Leavers celebrations and beyond, all while raising funds for a charity of their choice.
This year the class of 2017 chose to raise funds for Arthritis & Osteoporosis Western Australia. The goal of $1,000 set by the students was well and truly reached, a total of $1449.30 was raised.
The year 12's achieved this by cheekily charging staff for parking, asking for donations at the School Zebra crossing, running a bake sale and sausage sizzle and selling raffle tickets for adventure world and the Hilton Hotel.
Executive Director of Arthritis & Osteoporosis WA Ric Forlano congratulated the effort of the year 12 cohort of their fantastic fundraising efforts, "The generosity of the WA community never ceases to amaze. We will put it (donations) towards our kids with arthritis including our annual camp".
Well done to our class of 2017, the class of 2018 have big shoes to fill!
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