At Court Grammar School, we offer a wide variety of opportunities for our students in a range of areas. See below for some of the amazing opportunities on offer:
Artistic and creative students
For the artistic and creative students, our Arts Academy gives students the opportunity to learn from specialist teachers in the areas of Visual & Digital Arts, and Musical Theatre. Participation in events such as the School musical, Spring Arts Festival, internal and external School performances, as well as excursions relating to their chosen field enables students to experience things they wouldn't ordinarily have the chance to experience, and to develop further skills in the specialist area. Scholarships are available, Terms and Conditions apply. For more information, visit our Arts Academy page.
Music: Music classes are taught by specialist teachers for students in Pre-Primary upwards as part of their timetable. For those who wish to pursue a particular instrument, we also offer Music tuition with specialist tutors. Classes are charged at $30 per half hour and must be paid in the first week of each term. Application forms must be completed and submitted by the date outlined in the form.
Our co-curricular activities also cater for students with an artistic and creative flair. We hold groups such as Newspaper Club, Choir, Lego/STEM Club and Magnetic Construction Club for our Primary School students, and Film Club and Lunchtime Art for Secondary students.
Sporty students
For those focused on excelling in their sporting ability, we have specialised coaches and teachers who run our highly sought-after and extremely successful AFL/W Academy. Students are taught the skills required to develop into an elite athlete and excel at the game of Australian Rules Football. Academy students get the opportunity to visit Melbourne in Year 10 to play in competitive matches against a variety of Victorian schools, and to listen to information provided by AFL talent recruiters. Scholarships are available, Terms and Conditions apply. For more information, visit our AFL/W Academy page.
In 2022, we are excited to have our first intake of students for our brand new Female Elite Sports Program. Running in conjunction with our AFLW Academy, this program is designed to recognise the high level achievements of female athletes in Basketball and/or Netball and extend the opportunity to gain a Scholarship into the AFLW Academy as well as participate in our co-curricular Basketball and Netball programs run throughout the year. See our Female Elite Sports Program page for full details.
For students interested in a career in sports, Court Grammar School offers a range of courses in Health and Physical Education at an ATAR level, General pathway and as an Endorsed Program.
All timetabled sports classes throughout the School are taught by specialist Physical Education teachers. Court Grammar School enters teams into the majority of competitions hosted by the Associated & Catholic Colleges (ACC), as well as other competitions run by the following organisations: Western Australian Cricket Association (WACA); Western Australian Football Commission (WAFC); Southern Independent Schools Competition (SISC); Rockingham and Kwinana Association Sports (RKAS).
Some of the co-curricular activities available in this area are: Netball Club, Cosmic Kids Yoga, and Nature Play for Primary students, and Mountain Bike Club, Badminton and Indoor Soccer for Secondary students.
Technology students
Our brand new Arts Centre is a state-of-the-art building with facilities second to none. Housing a specialist ICT zone, our students get to study and learn in a purpose built environment with the most up-to-date technology and resources at their finger tips.
As an extra opportunity for those interested in technology, we hold E-Sports as a co-curricular activity for Secondary School students, and Coding Club for Primary School students.
Hands-on students
For those students who prefer to get their hands dirty with a hands-on approach to learning, we offer multiple opportunities for this from an early age. Students as young as Year 6 get to experience Cooking and Woodwork, something most school's don't offer.
Cooking then develops into Food Science in Secondary School, and for those pursuing a career in this field, students have the ability to obtain Certificate II / III in Hospitality, an approved VET course, by the completion of Year 12.
For those interested in pursuing a trade based career, we offer Certificate II in Woodwork, an approved VET course. Commencing in 2021, we are also offering the amazing opportunity for Secondary School students to be involved in our Automotive course. This gives students the head start for a career in mechanics or just to further their understanding in this field for their own benefit. This course is extremely competitive and places are strictly limited.
We offer Scholarship and Bursary opportunities in a range of areas for students at various intake year levels. For full details, see our Scholarships page.
Primary School Co-curricular Booklet Secondary School Co-curricular Booklet
Cnr Bishop and Soldiers Roads
Mundijong, Western Australia
Locked Bag 1
Mundijong WA 6123
PHONE (+61 8) 9526 5000
FAX (+61 8) 9525 9130
EMAIL school@cgs.wa.edu.au