School honoured to change name to 'Court Grammar'
On Friday 2 February Serpentine Jarrahdale Grammar School Board Chair, Mr David Gossage, announced that effective 1 January 2019 the School will be called 'Court Grammar School'. The name change was suitably announced at the annual 'Sir Charles Court Futures Assembly' held at the school each year with Mr Ken Court, son of Sir Charles and current Board member of the School, and his family in attendance.
When the School began it made sense to use the name 'Serpentine Jarrahdale' thus situating it in its geographical setting with students commencing in January 2006. It is now the right time for change and to begin a new era with over 600 students from Pre-Kindergarten to year 12 at the school in 2018.
When discussing the change of name, the school Board considered options and decided it was imperative to maintain a West Australian link.
In his address, Board Chair said that the school is not changing what it stands for, or the values of Integrity, Humility and Community but it is recoginsing that we have now reached the next stage in the School's journey.
"We (the Board) looked for Visionary leadership that touches all members of our community. We looked into our past and to those who worked tirelessly to ensure we actually made it this far. Looked for people who were known locally, national and internationally and decided on the Court family. Not a particular person, but the name well known and recognised in WA, giving us 2 Premiers and now our Ambassador to Japan through Richard Court. We are delighted that the Court family have endorsed our decision." Said Mr Gossage.
In her response on behalf of the Court family, Ms Elizabeth Court said the family is honoured to have the school named Court Grammar.
"My parents, Ken and Lorraine have been actively involved with the school from its inception and Sir Charles, my Grandfather visited the school on several occasions and gave the inaugural Sir Charles Court Futures Assembly Oration. I am somewhat humbled to be following in this rather large footsteps. Sir Charles has five sons, Victor, Barry, Ken, Richard and Geoffrey and they are all fully supportive of the school adopting the new name of 'Court Grammar' " she said.
Principal Ms Patricia Rodrigues said she was very excited about this change and feels honoured that the Court family would chose this school to take on their respected name.
"Now the school has settled as a Pre-Kindergaten to year 12 school this change will only enhance the identity of our school. It is custom and practice for schools to have a name linked to a patron or historical figure and it is now time for us to take that
step" said Ms Rodrigues. "We look forward to the future we are building for many generations to come".
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