Drone Racing
The buzz of quad copters and the flash of speeding drones can be observed each Thursday Lunchtime outside the gym, as Drone Racing has taken off (excuse the pun) at SJGS. Obstacle course slalom-style racing sees the drone pilots compete each week on a different course. The action is exciting and frantic as the pilots manoeuvre their drones through the course, each trying to improve their time. Points accumulate towards an overall champion each term. Drone flying and racing is one of the fastest growing hobbies/sports in Australia and the future is looking bright as employment as a drone pilot is a booming market. Any students interested in joining or finding out more information should speak to Mr Krokosz.
Drone Pilots: Justin Sams-Hayes, Toby Davey & Thomas Piotrowski.
Cnr Bishop and Soldiers Roads
Mundijong, Western Australia
Locked Bag 1
Mundijong WA 6123
PHONE (+61 8) 9526 5000
FAX (+61 8) 9525 9130
EMAIL school@cgs.wa.edu.au