Book Week at SJGS
To celebrate book week this year our secondary school held a book drive! This brought in over 250 book for our classroom libraries.
A fantastic effort by all - the PCG who donated the most books will be announced on Wednesday at the assembly but here is the short list!
It's a tight race between:
Mr Hancock's PCG
Miss West's PCG
Mrs Southwell's PCG
Secondary students also had the opportunity to dress up on Friday as their favourite 'fantasy' book character...even 'Charlie' got in on the action!
Meanwhile in the Primary School, all of the students and staff were excited to incorporate Visual Arts skills in preparing masterpieces about some of the short-listed books for the Book of the Year award. The books which we focused across the School were;
- Hark! It's Me, Ruby Lee! By Lisa Shanahan;
- I'm Australian, Too by Mem Fox;
- The Second Sky by Patrick Guest;
- The Very Noisy Baby by Alison Lester;
- Ten Pound Pom by Carole Wilkinson;
- Mopoke by Philip Bunting.
Over the coming weeks, students artwork will be displayed in and around the School and in Mundijong Library … how exciting!
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