Parents & Friends Association AGM
Notice of AGM
Monday 3 December
SJGS Board Room, 6pm
Light refreshments provided
Nomination Forms can be downloaded HERE
More information about the P&F can be found HERE
A little about the P&F at Court Grammar School in 2019
The Court Grammar Parents and Friends Association (P&F) exists to foster and enhance community spirit within the School community. Through the active and broad based participation of parents and friends, the Court Grammar P&F Association aim to make a positive difference to the School and its community and enhance the overall reputation of the School.
Participation in the P&F is a rewarding, sociable, learning experience and we welcome new and returning parents. We are very grateful to the many parents, students and staff who take time out from their busy lives to give their time and talents to contribute to the growth and development of the Court Grammar School community.
Some examples of events and activities the P&F facilitate are as follows;
- Sausage Sizzles at various school events, including athletics carnivals and Spring Arts Festival
- Mother's & Father's Day stall
- Complimentary tea & coffee at all Primary School Assemblies
- Quiz Nights
- Junior School Disco
Some examples of where funds have been donated throughout the school include;
- Furniture for Multi-Purpose Room
- Book Trolleys for lower Secondary English
- Trees down the street
- Items for the New Music Centre (2018 donation)
- Oven for Hospitality
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Mundijong, Western Australia
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Mundijong WA 6123
PHONE (+61 8) 9526 5000
FAX (+61 8) 9525 9130