Science Week 2019
Science week has been a busy time for many of the staff and students this week, with a wide variety of activities occurring. As the week's topic was celebrating 50 years since the moon landing, we naturally thought making our own rockets was a great way to celebrate. Students in years 1 and 2 had the luxury of working with our skilled year 11 students from Physics and Integrated Science in designing, building and launching bottle rockets.
Students from year 10 Science Advanced were also very excited and willing to lead our Pre-Primary and Kindergarten students through some scientific experiments in the Senior School lab. The Lab had been kindly decorated by students in year 7 to look like outer space, with hanging planets, blacked out windows and a variety of lighting and glow in the dark effects. The primary students in attendance had a fantastic time experiencing these science demonstrations.
Students in years 7 – 9 had the opportunity to design and build a rocket that had an engine built into them. After some difficulties 2 were fired off to the delight of many onlookers. The rest of the rocket launching will be rescheduled.
Years 3-6 students completed some very creative experiments from making moon rocks, anti-gravity sand, painting and creating their own galaxies and testing out balloon rockets. This challenged the children and gave them a fantastic chance to get creative and experimental.
Primary classes will also complete in a STEM challenge and will finalise the planets they created, to add to their solar system within their classes.
Blast Off!!
Students put their creations to the test with Rocket Launches taking off on the school oval. The rocket launches were scored by a panel of judges making the teams even more determined to win.
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