With over 80% of our Primary School students back at school, our Kiss and Drive system has been put through its paces this week, and has worked extremely well.
During the current situation and restrictions on parents not being allowed on the school grounds, we are making a few changes to assist with the increased traffic flow:
- Pre-K, Kindy and Pre-Primary students will leave class 5 mins early to be ready for pick up in Kiss and Drive at 2:50pm
- Year 1-6 students will leave class 5 mins earlier to assist with clearing the area as quickly as possible
- Parents with students in ELC and Primary School are asked to wait until 3:05pm to collect all children from the Kiss and Drive area to ensure they are all together.
- Families are asked to wait until 3:10pm to pick up students where possible to ensure they are ready and waiting for collection. They will be lined up in their year levels and staff will supervise until collected
- If you need to wait for your child/ren, please park in the parking bays available. This will reduce the amount of traffic build up and also the number of cars circling the block waiting for students to arrive
We thank you for your patience and all the positive feedback we have received in this matter.
Cnr Bishop and Soldiers Roads
Mundijong, Western Australia
Locked Bag 1
Mundijong WA 6123
PHONE (+61 8) 9526 5000
FAX (+61 8) 9525 9130
EMAIL school@cgs.wa.edu.au