Year 6 Celebration
The year 6 students at SJGS celebrated their final year in Primary School with a 'celebration' assembly followed by a fun afternoon at the Serpentine Falls National Park.
The year 6 students sat proud as punch in front of the entire primary school and very proud parents, grandparents, siblings and guardians during the celebration where they reflected upon their time in Primary School. Ms Rodrigues pointed out that these students will be the graduating class of 2023 and can not wait to see what fine young adults they become and what they achieve in the time before then.
The Primary Captains Tighe Shaw and Sasha Quinlan spoke very fondly on behalf of their cohort about the year they have had and the excitement about their upcoming year 6 camp. Tighe and Sasha ended their address with the words of Albert Einstein, " The person who never made a mistake, never tried anything new".
Very excited Year 6's with Miss Hortle and Mrs Kuppusamy
The year 6's are spending the next 3 days at Bickley Outdoor Rec Camp. We look forward to hearing about their adventures!
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