Early Learning
Drop Off & Pick Up Arrangements
ALL Pre-Kindergarten students must be dropped off to their classroom by an adult ready for the doors opening at 8:30am. Adults are responsible for the supervision of the child until this time.
At the end of the school day, children are to be collected from the classroom door by an authorised adult.
"Kiss and Drive" and school bus services are not available for Pre-Kindergarten students.
Kindergarten to Year 2
ALL* Kindergarten and Pre-Primary students must be dropped to their classroom by an adult ready for the doors opening at 8:30am. Adults are responsible for the supervision of the child until this time.
*Children arriving at school on the bus are met at the main gates by a staff member and escorted to class each morning.
Formal arrangements for the collection for Kindergarten to Year 2 children must be made with the School. These include:
Parent | Either parent will collect the child from the classroom door. |
Kiss & Drive |
Drop off: Kiss and drive gates open at 8:00am. Staff will commence collection of children from 8:10 until 8:30am. This area is strictly a 5 minute parking area. If you wish to stay longer please use the parking areas at the front of Reception. Pick Up: Students will be waiting with a staff member on the oval for parents to briefly stop and collect their child. |
Bus |
Students will be delivered/collected from a bus service at the front of the school. If you wish for your child to travel home on an alternative bus this request must be made in writing to the School two days prior to the intended travel date for approval. Only when approval is received can your child travel on an alternative bus. Bus drivers have been informed and will NOT accept your child without approval. |
Other |
Name of authorised person (only one ) to collect your child from the classroom door. |
To avoid any confusion with the collection and drop off arrangements of your children, if circumstances change you MUST notify the classroom teacher or email school@cgs.wa.edu.
Under no circumstances will children be released to another party without this confirmation.
General Information
Please remember the primary line of communication between the School and Parents is via SEQTA Engage. Please ensure you check this portal regularly for important information.
Crunch and Sip (From year 1 onwards)
Cnr Bishop and Soldiers Roads
Mundijong, Western Australia
Locked Bag 1
Mundijong WA 6123
PHONE (+61 8) 9526 5000
FAX (+61 8) 9525 9130
EMAIL school@cgs.wa.edu.au