Secondary School
Device purchase portal Years 7-12
Password required for portal access: cgsdevices2019!
General Information
Please remember the primary line of communication between the School and Parents is via SEQTA Engage. Please ensure you check this portal regularly for important information.
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday8:25am Warning Bell |
Wednesday8:25am Warning Bell |
Compressed8:25am Warning Bell |
8:30am PCG Meeting |
8:30am Period 1 |
8:30am Period 1 |
8:45am Period 1 |
9:20am Period 2 |
9:30 Period 1 |
9:35am Period 2 |
10:15am Recess |
10:15am Period 2 |
10:30am Recess |
10:35am Period 3 |
11:05am Recess |
10:55 Warning Bell 11:00am Period 3 |
11:25am Period 4 |
11:25am Period 3 |
10:50am Period 4 |
12:20pm PCG Meeting |
12:10pm Period 4 |
12:45pm Lunch |
12:50pm Lunch |
1:00pm Lunch |
1:15 Warning Bell 1:20pm Period 5 |
1:15 Warning Bell 1:20pm Period 5 |
1:30pm Period 5 |
2:10pm Period 6 |
2:10pm Period 6 |
2:15 Period 6 |
3:05pm Dismissal |
3:05pm Dismissal |
3:05 Dismissal |
Cnr Bishop and Soldiers Roads
Mundijong, Western Australia
Locked Bag 1
Mundijong WA 6123
PHONE (+61 8) 9526 5000
FAX (+61 8) 9525 9130
EMAIL school@cgs.wa.edu.au