Early Learning program
Pre-Kindergarten - Year 2
Our early learning framework is guided by the belief that children in their very formative stages of learning need a balance of child-initiated, play-based learning experiences and explicit teaching experiences. Learning is a partnership between home and School and fostering this link is core to developing all of our youngest learners.
Our Early Learning Centre comprises of students in Pre-Kindergarten, Kindergarten and Pre-Primary. In planning learning experiences for these students, School staff use the Early Years Learning Framework (EYLF) and the West Australian Curriculum and School Curriculum and Standards Authority (SCSA) guidelines. At the very heart of our philosophy is the child. All of our interactions, learning experiences and communication is centred around developing a sense of belonging, being and becoming.
Families are loving our Pre-Kindergarten and Kindergarten programs, so much so that we are already taking applications for newborn babies. Due to the huge success of our programs, we have made changes to the days they are run so we can accommodate more families. From 2020, we are offering a 1-day Pre-Kindergarten program on a Monday or Friday, and a 3-day Kindergarten program on a Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. Apply now as spaces are filling up fast.

Learning in Years 1 and 2 is built upon the strong foundations established in the Early Learning Centre. More emphasis is placed upon Literacy and Numeracy as intentional learning activities, however, a strong sense of investigation and inquiry is still present as these children explore the world around them. Again, the very centre of our approach is the child and developing the whole child in all ways: academically, socially, emotionally and spiritually.
Play is the highest form of research - Albert Einstein
Cnr Bishop and Soldiers Roads
Mundijong, Western Australia
Locked Bag 1
Mundijong WA 6123
PHONE (+61 8) 9526 5000
FAX (+61 8) 9525 9130
EMAIL school@cgs.wa.edu.au